Dreaming of a New Boat without the Expense?
Repower Your Boat for Enhanced Performance and Safety
Repowering your old boat with Armstrong’s positive flotation bracket and outboards offers a fresh lease on life for your beloved vessel. Enjoy enhanced performance, safety, and reliability, along with benefits like increased space, easier access, improved flotation, and the convenience of outboards with the safety of a full transom.
Benefits of Repower
More usable space inside your boat
Easier access in or out of the water
More positive flotation
Boat performs like a larger craft
Drier backing down on fish
Convenience of outboards combined with the safety of a full transom

ShipShape TV Comparison Test
In the ShipShape TV comparison test, our Armstrong positiveflotation brackets emerged as the clear winner, outperformingcompetitors in durability, reliability, and safety. Designed withprecision engineering and built to withstand the rigors ofmarine environments. With Armstrong, you can trust that yourvessel is equipped with the best-in-class technology to ensurea smooth and safe boating experience.
Armstrong Repower: See the Transformation
Before and After

Choose Repower as an investment opportunity to rejuvenate your old boat.
Repower the hull you love with an Armstrong positive flotation bracket and outboards to give your boat NEW LIFE … after all, your family deserves the best in performance, safety, and reliability!
Select Components
Opt for an Armstrong positive flotation bracket and compatible outboards to give your boat new life, ensuring top performance, safety, and reliability.
Contact us
Armstrong matches the outboard engine bracket to your particular boat and motor combination.
Submit your bracket information today and get the best return on your Boating Investment!